Selasa, 28 Januari 2014


By : Septian Julifar Syamsul Huda SKM

1 . problem Structure
A. Search Problems
MMR in Indonesia is still high , according to data SKDI in 2002-2003 was 307 per 100,000 live births as well as the infant mortality rate is still quite high at 35 per 1,000 live births . Indonesian population was according to data SKDI years 2002 - 2003 still have average life expectancy - 66 years is a good average male - male and female. Based data indicate that health problems in the community especially those related to maternal and child health turns still quite high .
Relative to the health services in the community that need to be improved to be curative and promotive and preventive and rehabilitative .
B. definition Problems
1 . What : The problem that occurs is the increased role of health centers in improving the curative , promotive and preventive , and rehabilitative .
2 . When : 2002/2003
3 . Where : Indonesia
4 . Why : The mortality rate is still high
5 . How: The absence of an increase in the participation of health centers
C. specifications problem
The increase in maternal and child mortality rates are still high enough for the next few years
D. introduction Problems
1 . The scope
Based on the Ministry of Health 128/Menkes/SK/II/2004 number of basic policy community health centers which explains that the health center has 3 functions: 1 . As the central driving force of health oriented development , 2 . Family empowerment and community center , 3 . The first level health care center
2 . In practice health centers still face problems , among others : 1 . The activities carried out in health centers are less oriented to the problems and needs of the local community but more oriented towards curative care for patients who come to the clinic . 2 . Community involvement which is the mainstay of first-level health service delivery has not been developed. To date less successful health centers foster community initiative in problem solving and a sense of belonging and community health centers have not been able to encourage the contribution of resources in the implementation of public health efforts .
3 . How to Problem solving
It is realized that to solve the problem in accordance with the principles of operation of one of the health centers are community development , meaning that health centers are required to mobilize and empower people to play an active role in the implementation of any health efforts , especially in a clean and healthy living behavior . Therefore , health promotion efforts to help the community health center to be able to carry out clean and healthy behaviors ( PHBs ) .
2 . forecasting
A. resistance Policy
Participation of the poor in running programs - programs that exist in the health centers .
B. consequences of Policy
( + ) People are much more active role in the health center program
( - ) Lack of public interest
C. The trade off policy
The beneficiary of the policy is a very active role Society of programs - programs provided by community health centers , and also benefited from the clinic can be assisted by the local community .
The injured party is the government because of the health budget expenditure for the promotion and activities - activities that are in the development of health centers program
3 . Policy recommendations
The policy adopted should be able to build on the partnership - which is related parties , such as elements of the community , local leaders fund forth .
4 . Policy Monitoring Results
Policy Implementation Monitoring health promotion programs in health centers by the Minister of Health 
No. 1193/Menkes/SK/X / 2004. Policy is also supported by the Decree of the Minister of Health 
No. 1114/Menkes/SK/VII/2005 on Guidelines for health promotion in the Implementation
5 . Performance Evaluation Policy
a. effectiveness
The desired result of this policy objective is the increased role of the community in order to implement the program - a program in an effort to improve community health status .
b . efficiency
Based on the analysis needed community health extension professionals to manage health promotion in health centers in a professional manner and is able to manage and deliver services that are promotive and preventive . As well as the costs were deemed extremely difficult to determine the standard.
c . adequacy
Based alternative programs - health promotion programs in health centers , it's helpful to change attitudes and behavior .
d . Equitable
Implementation of health promotion programs have benefits and costs are different in each group .
e . responsiveness
Policy implementation of health promotion programs in health centers and provides benefits not only to the results of some of the / particular group of people , but also for the whole citizen
f . Accuracy / feasibility
Policy Objectives of health promotion program implementation in health centers based on the Ministry of Health No. 1114/Menkes/SK/VII/2005 on guidelines for implementation in the areas of health promotion , health promotion is an attempt to improve the ability of communities through learning from , by , and for the community, so that they can help themselves , and to develop resourceful community activities , according to local socio-cultural conditions and supported public health oriented policies .

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